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ICC cricket world cup

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:29 pm

ICC cricket world cup

Anyone else following the world cup?

It's down to the semi finals now, I think
Sri Lanka against New Zealand on the 23rd
South Africa against Autralia the 25th

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I've only watched the games in which SA played, and I enjoyed most of them.

Australia is undefeated to far
South Africa lost against both New Zealand and Australia but beat Sri Lanka
New Zealand lost against Australia and Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Lost against South Africa and Australia, but won against New Zealand

Post Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:51 am

you're winding us up right? I turned the commentary off after an hour when I realised we were going to get stuffed.

Post Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:36 am's not that big a thing to defeat England, they're not at their best.
Beating the aussies however...

Post Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:05 am

you wouldn't have said that a couple of years ago!

Post Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:17 am

Any of you non-baseball fans aka cricket fans, care to explain the fasination in Cricket to me? I seem to be missing something. It seems interesting, if a bit illogical.

Post Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:20 am

@Taw England used to be good yea, very good, but in the World cup they didn't perform.
The commentators were going on a lot about how they are still playing "old fashioned cricket" trying not to lose wickets in the first 40 overs and then scoring 90 of the last 10, whereas most teams these days go after the powerplays when only two men are allowed on the boundry.

As for the Aussies...we can beat them, we lost against them due to Smith's cramps and the fact that Kallis didn't seem to recognise that they needed more than a run a ball.

The pitch they will be playing on however will be a slow pitch, which is not good for the SA bowlers or batters. And the Aussies won't have that problem.
In the end I guess it will be the same pathetic thing of "If Smith bats well, the whole team bats well"

@Fd...I don't know baseball. Cricket is intersting in the sense that you often don't know the winner up until the end.
Throw in the games the bowlers play with the batter, the unexpected that happens and also some very awsome shots played by the batsmen sometimes (And then lets also not forget that the New Zealand team has ons of the most handsome men in the world as captain)

I think I'll be voting for a New Zealand vs South Africa Final

Post Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:09 pm

As for the Aussies...we can beat them.

I wish, nothing would've given me more satisfaction than seeing that smug grin wiped from Pontings face. C'est la vie, looks like we'll be the undisputed Goliaths of cricket for a few more years at least. Honestly, Australia has to good a cricket team at the moment, it's just become boring to watch, plus some of them aren't humble with it, which is very unbecoming.

Post Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:33 pm

how do you teach crickets to play anything they are little noisy bugs duh lol.

Post Fri May 04, 2007 4:38 am

Hmmm, just saw this. No mention of Ireland eh? I found it amazing that they went so far in the championship despite the fact that they did not seem to win any games (overstatement) ended up getting a world ranking and then lost the week after they got home to an English club team. More notable however (probably slightly too touchy for TLR rules and regs to give more detail) was the trajedy and with bizzare events which followed thier game against Pakistan. Although I have absolutely zippo interest in cricket one could not help but have an interest in the human side of that regardless of your interest in the sport.


Any of you non-baseball fans aka cricket fans, care to explain the fasination in Cricket to me? I seem to be missing something. It seems interesting, if a bit illogical.
Strange! Does being a non-baseball fan automatically make me a cricket fan? I find both sports utterly daft and totally boring. Perhaps more fun to play than watch so I would not deride anyone for participating, but I really cannot see how entire stadia in the U.S. can be filled by eager spectators.

Post Fri May 04, 2007 9:46 am

The reason I said it that way, as a lot of british and others, like cricket and find baseball boring. Still, I haven't heard what a cricket player is paid, but US baseball players are WAY over paid.

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