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Post Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:53 pm

"I'm not even going to tell you how far along I've gotten"

*gasps* you mean you've got past the intro already?

Post Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:02 pm

He did manage to pass the intro Taw, but he needed one of my savegames to do it .

Post Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:24 pm

Go ahead and mock. It's a bit difficult when the joystick you thought was still working doesn't and you're not convinced that spending money on a new one is in the cards.....besides, I haven't played it since my D*ll died. Haven't installed it on the current XP mongrel.

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:03 pm

so you're giving us free licence to mock?

oh for heaven's sake, for the want of a joystick the Coalition-Alliance war was lost. just tell me what joystick you'd like and an appropriate exchange can be made, after all it is nearly Christmas. have a look on my works webiste and decide which one you want. NOT the Thrustmaster. 'tis too expensive, besides you wouldn't know what to do with all the buttons

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:27 pm

*Pats cheap and fully-functional three year-old "Gravis Destroyer Extreme" joystick*

Actually, I would have liked to use the mouse in SL when using the third-person camera ala FL. I think that it would work really well.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/14/2004 6:28:07 PM

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:43 pm

*Pats Wingman 'Force Feedback 3D*

Post Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:59 pm

Hey, FD, i got a Wingman "Force Feedback 3D". Altought it's only used for X2 and Haegemonia, and i really like it

Now that's a joystick i'd really recommend.

Post Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:43 pm

*pats ThrustMaster HOTAS Cougar" do i need to say more?

Post Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:23 pm

*looks for power adapter to Logitec Wingman Force Feedback *

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:02 am

Just thought I'd mention that I'm playing SL as we speak. Now, all I need to do is find a proper version of FS2 in order to compare them.

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:26 am

you dont need to. FS2 is better. not that theres anything really wrong with SL, it's excellent. AIs a bit pooh, but I can't really fault it much. but FS2 is in a class of its own.

"I would have liked to use the mouse in SL"

are you smoking crack or what? rat control in SL? that's sheer blasphemy. rat control stinks. it's liveable with in FL, but that's about it. play FS2 and see what you think about rat control then, when you're on the tail of a jinking Shivan fighter and you need to avoid a beam, wang a bomb onto a Rakshasa's misile turrets and cover your own bombers at the same time.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 10/16/2004 3:59:32 PM

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:14 pm

"*Pats Wingman 'Force Feedback 3D*" good man good man. its great

try to play SL without a stick, let alone FS2. two men died cus they were using mouses, but with my joystick we drove back the shivians

Edited by - [UTFDSQrn on 10/16/2004 4:15:24 PM

Post Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:46 am

Taw - I'm simply stating that SL would be completely playable with the mouse if the camera remained in a third-person perspective. As you have said, it works in FL .

Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:18 am

Let's not allow this to disintegrate into THAT debate.

Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:19 pm

"if the camera remained in a third-person perspective"

get back to your PS2 or other sub-teen console. PCs are sullied by third person camera views (except for Jedi Outcast)

it might well be playable but the whole goddam point of a space-sim is that it "simulates" you being in the cockpit of whatever it is your supposed to be flying and for that you need HUD, instruments, hat-views etc etc. Why not abandon classic controls altogether and just have gamepads? how much more would you like to see PC games dumbed down so that brats can play them?

what next? you'd like a family version Rome: Total War where no-one got enslaved or put to the sword?

I know a games going to be at least worth a recce when my son says he he thinks it's too complicated. He played FL in a few days, but didn't do any goddam exploring or trading just combat and missons and went to Crete and got the goddam Titan like all the kids do; while I was playing the Privateer mod and reliving the pure days when space sims had some guts and challenge. The little worm is amazed when i go ripping into Dralthi/Pakhthan formations in a Hellcat V and go mano-a-mano with the Cats with just a few lasers and a couple of heat-seekers (thx warzog!) I'd dump the lasers if I could and stick with a Stormfire, because I like shredding hulls.

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