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Post Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:10 am


I`ve just finished the story. Where can I find my saved games? I want to move the last one to somewhere safe before trying some mods.
Can you reccommend any mods that will give me some sort of storyline to follow?
I want to earn enough cash to get an Eagle but I`d like to do it without cheating.
Any help would be appreciated.

Post Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:53 am

Your single player profile should be in your "My Documents" folder under My Games>Freelancer>Accnts (or something like that). Simply copy that whole freelancer folder to wherever you want to. I suggest sticking into a .zip file with some free prog like WinZip of 7-Zip. If your game ever gets messed up, reinstall the game and start it up (if your games are still there, feel lucky). If not simple extract or copy back to that original folder (My Documents>My Games>Freelancer>.

The World is Mine and It's Ripe for the Taking!

Post Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:05 am

1. C:\my games\microsoft games\freelancer\...
as far I remember it is in \accts\singleplayer (there is a multiplayer-folder too)

2. Mods with a different story line are (untill now) not possible. But there are some mods who create some story-line like Hostile Universe (8.1.), Crossfire, Monkey Universe, Epsilon.

Main other mods (with Single Player-Option) are The Next Generation (TNG 2.7.6), Evolution (1.29), Free Worlds (Star Wars Conversion).

Fairly new and challenging is Toolkit 1.2 (kind of a a concentrate of FL)

and there are more ...

3. Travel around, find new systems where missions are more difficult and higher paid.

edit: too slow ...

Edited by - zazie on 12/2/2005 7:05:57 AM

Post Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:53 am

Many thanks.

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