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Starting money on a home server

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Post Tue May 30, 2006 12:37 am

Starting money on a home server

Ive search till my eyes feel like they are about to explode in my head.

Whay I want to know is.........

How do i get my serer to have a starting money sum?
i.e. start in newyork with 50000cr?

Post Tue May 30, 2006 12:04 pm

This is from Data\Characters\NewCharacter.ini in SDK

nickname = ge_fighter<--The package from below
strid_name = 11051
strid_desc = 11551
ship = ge_fighter<--Starting ship Starflier
loadout = MP_ge_fighter<--From Shiparch.ini
money = 10000<--starting money

nickname = new_player
rep_group = co_ic_grp<--Only works if you edit mpnewcharacter.fl to allow factions
base = Li01_01_Base<--starting location Manhattan
Package = ge_fighter<--This is the package. not the ship (its got the same nickname)
Pilot = trent

Edited by - Mace_166 on 5/30/2006 1:04:13 PM

Post Tue May 30, 2006 3:22 pm

Or, for your server you can just edit the MPnewcharacter.ini and just change

name = %%NAME%%
;initial_rep = %%FACTION%%
rank = 11

money = 150000000 <------ this to what ever you want.
;voice = %%VOICE%%
;All must be Trent!
voice = trent_voice

So when ever you make a new char, it will start with that amount of money.

Post Tue May 30, 2006 9:59 pm

kk thanks, now i just gotta get it all working. Pff to try these out.

thanks once again

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