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console commands?

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Post Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:53 pm

console commands?

I was playing on a German server *only one I can play on. don't ask why, I don't know*
and I hooked up with a guy with a name close to *imperial pilot* I found out that I didn't have a clue how to transfer money. So as he was trying to teach me how to use this magical console, I suddenly was forced off by my mother to go fix her computer's E-mail or something silly like that and I wasn't able to get him his money. So I am wondering if there is a list of console commands somewhere?
and if anyone knows Imperial pilot, please give me a E-mail or a forum I can get in touch with him at since I would very much like to get him his money and go fly with him again.

Post Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:36 pm

When you first start Freelancer there is a screen that has several options...
New Game, Load Game, Options, Multiplayer and Exit

The one you want is Options. The Options screen has several things you can change or set to your liking, including
Controls... has sub menus for ship controls, user interface and multiplayer

Post Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:44 pm

/g XmessageX = group chat, similar to /s
/i XplayernameX = invite a player into your group
/j = accept a group invitation
/l XmessageX = sends message to all players on your scanner
/lv = leave your group
/s XmessageX = sends message to systemchat. Handy if in group- or private chat with someone
/u XmessageX = chat to the whole universe, if allowed by admin

However I don't see how this could possibly help you find that other pilot.

Edited by - Preacher0815 on 9/3/2006 9:46:24 PM

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