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Multi Player Mission Board

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:33 am

Multi Player Mission Board

I saw in some other threads that you were talking about arranging missions to explor and map out space and such.

Well what about a TLR Missions board. As well as the TLR staff posting missions like those mentioned above on this board, other players can post missions on there as well. The missions posted by ppl would most likely be bounty hunter missions, or pirate recuting. I havent played the game so i cant think what other kind of missions off the top of my head.

I'm still a little hazey on how payment works, but if someone should stingy in paying out for the missions completion, and its reported more than once, then there name can go on a kill board or the bounty hunters list.

to tell the truth i'm not really sure how to enforce it, i was hopeing the PR players could have a look at this post and disect the idea, and just see if it has potential.

Now begins a new Age... The Age Of Arumin

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 6:50 pm

I think we need to let the game release and play it for a while, before we can plan details on how something like this will work. Playing FL with 2-3 other people and 59 other people will be a big difference.

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