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General Mod Question

Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer

Post Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:17 pm

General Mod Question

Okay, I want to start this off by asking anyone who reads this if they know about the Colonial Viper mod from Battlestar Galactica that's been put into Freelancer and is available to purchase on the Battleship Missouri.

Based on this, I want to know if I could use any of the ships from my Starfleet Command III game for use in Freelancer. Is it possible to use the textures and information for those ships in that game and use them in Freelancer to create ships. If so, how can I do it and what will I need to use for it?

Post Thu Mar 11, 2004 12:09 am

you need.....

to look at the tut forum ....

milkshape3d, cmpexporter <<<< in download section except for milkshape

FLMM (Freelancer Mod Manager) < d/l section

dds converter for easy texture mapping < Nvidia has it...

Freelancer SDK 1.3 < d/l section

A hell lot of time

Confused, confused..... con.... !!!ting!!! , i'm a clown...

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