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** HINT ** Milkshape Scaling

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Wed May 12, 2004 10:23 am

** HINT ** Milkshape Scaling

Hi all,

I read somewhere in a forum that the Milkshape files will be reduced by 90% when they are EXPORTED into CMP files. But when CMP files are IMPORTED the files aren't resized to what they were. So, here's quick hint.

1. Create your ship normally
2. Import a ship that you want your ship to be the same size as roughly, (eg. If your making a ship that you want to be the same size as the Liberty LF import the liberty_lf.cmp file)
3. Multiply the Imported ship by 10 on all axis X,Y,Z
4. Manually scale YOUR ship to the same size give or take depending on what you think
5. Delete the IMPORTED ship
6. Export your ship as normal

Someone tell me if this is wrong cause because of my terrible modding skills it's not tested yet cause I am an idiot

It's eyes were completly devoid of life,
Empty Orbs that took in the world with an unfeeling gaze,
A thin trail of blood ran from a fresh wound,
But it would not or could not tend to it,
Only one thing ever brought a spark of vitality,
To the eyes of this Tortured Soul:
The Suffering of others.

Edited by - Tortured_Soul on 5/12/2004 11:26:05 AM

Post Sun May 30, 2004 6:33 am

I take it that I must have that CMP importer plugin to do this? I can not get that blasted thing to work; as soon as I copy/paste the 2 files that teh ReadMe says to, MilkShape will not start, crashing everytime. I can delete the two plugin files and it works just fine, but as soon as I put the CMP Importer files by Kurt in there, it crashes.
I can see what you are saying about the imported Patriot (or any other ship) and scaling your own to match. This sounds like it would work perfectly for us noobs but again, I think I have to have an Importer working to try and let you know.
Did you have this problem? Or what Plugin/addon did you use to import FL ship .cmp's? If you wouldn't mind sending it to me, my email is in my profile above. Thanks, and good idea!

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