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If you find... Useful Stuff .....

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:50 am

If you find... Useful Stuff .....

Hello all,

Nice to see modelling has its own forum.... hey...Baked should be given humble thanks..

To the point.. If you see a reference to models and modelling from elsewhere on TLR then either place a link here or make a reference to it and we will see if we can get it moved... ... lol..

More reasons to thank Baked and the other moderators for their often thankless unpaid work around TLR.. it would not be in the great shape it is if not for them....


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!


From time to time we all find useful stuff on the net regarding modelling, textures, tutorials, etc..., that are general modelling topics ...this could also be posted here :p
I have a few links and will be back to post them - something maybe to help some others..

Edited by - harrier on 7/20/2004 5:19:48 AM

Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:56 pm

Hello again,

I said I would post some links to useful stuff .. now this is not stuff on TLR necessarily but links to tutorials for both ps 7 and milkshape and similar programs.

1> Tutorial on creating metal structures in Photoshop:

2> A link to skinning tutorials in milkshape:

3> Bare metal textures using Photoshop:

I'll dig out some more that I have found useful and be back to post them.

Maybe this will get the ball rolling...


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:58 pm

A nice tutirial on milkshape, lot of pictures, lot of info.

Post Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:21 am

MILKSHAPE TUTORIALS basic tool examples, modeling, uv mapping, skinning, animation

Edited by - buckaroobanzai on 4/7/2006 7:30:12 AM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:38 pm

in(i think) the hondshu system, near the Sigma13(?) jumpgate, theres a station that strongly looks like Ft. Bush, but more complex

my question is: whats the model named? i wanna use it for a custom station

i can only say im good, nothing more...

Post Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:29 pm

hello all

This is the first post that i have made here and i hope this is the proper location for the reply to this thread. I have ran across a texture generator that i believe would be a good program for this communit and others as well in the gamming world of mods. I swhere i found this prog. They have a free Dl of a trial version. yet you can save in 320X320 if that is any help to those who are interested.

I would have some pics but i do not know of how to insert them yet. But in tinkering around with this program i have found it too be quite interesting and has quite a lot of potential for what i have in mind.

Those who do a lot of texture work may love this prog but i do not know if it will export to the apropriate formats. I ahve not gone that far yet.

Now the bad part is that the full version is not free. It costs $85 US

Well i will let the experts take care of the rest.

Canis Lupus (Gray Wolf) I know there is another Canis Lupus here somewhere. DO not confuse me with the other one.

Post Wed May 25, 2005 9:03 pm

This is a link to an image file converter, it converts freely between the following image formats:

I use Fireworks to create my textures (saves in .png format) so this has been a huge help.
Image converter

Newest member of the Asylum51 IGI development team

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