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clan mod i need clans

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Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 12:53 pm

clan mod i need clans

if your the leader of a clan u have to read this. my mod team and i are making a mod but not the normal mod. this is almost a complet converson mod that is built around clans and there ideas. we what any clan that whats to partsapte to first e mail me at [email protected] and i will give all the info u need. we allow all clans at least one system one ship like 5 weps. if u get in early u may be able to have more then we offer. if your clan whats more ask and u may reseve.

srry for my bad spelling but i have deslexea.


p.s dont look behind u

Post Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:58 am

The 305th Fighter Squadron would like a part in this mod. Specs on what i would like are at the forum "305th Squadron Recruitment And Versoth's Challenge details in the Clan Forum.
use the "check since last 60 days" thing to see it as its somewhat old

Don't run from the sniper, you'll just die tired

Post Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:08 pm

make that the 181st merc squad will take part. same stuff as 305th but different name and new idea

if this dont work ill do the 356th StarFleet

made of cap ship captains using cap ship mods. especially my mod that im workin on. takin all the cap ships from various mods and puttin them in the regular FL universe. email me for details

Post Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:29 pm

ok your in. im having computer truable now so puting the base of the mod tegether is harder then it seems. as soon as i can we will add your faction and ships. (send us one plez i can let you have a battle ship srry.)


p.s dont look behind u

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