Post Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:41 am


Hello freelancers this is for you.

The Argons are looking for a few good Players.
We have many different roles and factions for you to choose from. weather you want to lead a faction or just join one and play that role your in luck. We have colonized so many different planets We now need you.
Contact me if you are interested. RULE #1 ENJOY YOURSELF but dont break the server rules.
We play our role well

The Argon Race The Argon Race

They are a tough hardy race, as befits a race that has colonized so many different planets. Settlers and colonists tend to be a bit unfriendly and wary of strangers, and are very tough and independent. However the Argons who live on the home planet Argon Prime like to think that they are more refined and act in a more civilized and polite manner.

The Argon are not an aggressive race. Despite it happening almost eight hundred years in the past, the memory of their disastrous civil war is still strong in their memories. However their involvement in both the Xenon Conflict and the Boron Campaign taught them how to fight, and fight hard.

Argon involvement in the two great X Universe Wars pushed their weapons technology and development far ahead of other races. They have developed a wide range of defensive shields, weaponry and space ship technology so that their pilots and space fleet are the most developed and finest armed in the entire Community of Planets.

Now we are Here in Solurus Systems the same applies as we are creatures of habit.


Edited by - {<A>}ARGON>ONE on 3/5/2006 6:49:18 AM