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More Fan Fiction

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Post Thu May 06, 2004 10:09 am

More Fan Fiction

Approximately 2 years after “The Artifact War.”

Edison Trent was no stranger to fear. He had faced certain death so many times, he didn’t count it anymore. He had Freeport 7 blown out from under him; he had been shot at by just about every group in Sirius, including aliens. Trent had visited nearly every system in the colonies, and yet his palms were sweating, his throat was dry, and his knees felt weak. He couldn’t recall a more frightening moment than the one he was now facing.

“Do you, Edison Trent, take this woman, Junko Zane to be your lawfully wedded love, honor and cherish, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, so long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” He managed to say.

“And do you Junko Zane, take this man, Edison Trent, to be your lawfully wedded love, honor, and cherish, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?

“I do.” Juni said clearly.

President Jacobi then spoke to the assembled crowd:

“Then by the powers vested to me by the great House of Liberty, I pronounce you Husband, and Wife. Considering everything the two of you have been through, I don’t think there’s a chance in hell of anyone ever tearing you asunder. You may kiss the bride.”

As their lips touched, Trent felt everything fall into place. His fears dissipated. All was right with the universe.

The reception was a strange one. Just about everyone who had been a part of Trent and Juni’s adventures to this point were there. Quintane and Tobias were in the corner arguing some obscure point of Bretonian history. Herr Von Claussen, Kress, and Lord Hakira were listening to President Jacobi discuss some issue of great political importance. King was spinning yarns about something over by the bar. Kendra had a small crowd of people listening to her lecture about some aspect of the Dom K’vash that nobody else knew. Orillion was...well, being Orillion: sitting in the corner of the room, quietly observing everyone and everything.

Trent was still recovering from King’s idea of a “bachelor party.” It wasn’t just that King knew where every bar in Liberty was, it seemed he knew every bartender and cocktail waitress by name. It was quite a night. Lord Hakira had even “blessed” the occasion by producing an unopened bottle of 850 year old sakki, part of a shipment brought from Earth aboard the Kusari. It certainly made the Liberty Ale taste a matter of fact...everything tasted better after a few cups of the aged drink. The effects of gravity seemed to catch up with Trent not long after that. Tobias and King were swapping stories

Post Thu May 06, 2004 10:10 am

Continued from last post

about “The good old days” when they were young pilots. Most of the night began to sway and blur after that.

President Jacobi came over to the wedding table and called for attention of the gathered guests and dignitaries.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, if I may have your attention please.” She said. “While I am quite happy to attend this blessed event, there is one small problem presented by this situation.” “We now have two LSF Commanders with the last name “Trent.” She added. “This is only going to cause confusion, so I think the best thing we can do is promote one of you.” “Based purely on time in service, I hereby promote Commander Junko Trent to the rank of Captain.” Hopefully, that will clear up any confusion for the time being. Congratulations Captain.”

Juni hadn’t seen this coming at all. The day had been pretty exciting as it was, but as a captain, she would be eligible to command a capital ship, or become a sector chief. King had a smirk on his face that made her certain he had suggested it and even Trent seemed to have some idea it was coming. This was going to be interesting.

“I guess this means I have to salute you after’am.” Trent quipped.

“Oh, rub it in why don’t you.” Juni said. “I’ll have a few orders for you later...when we’re alone.” She added with a wicked grin.

“I think it will be a pleasure to tend to my duties.” Trent replied, his grin matching hers.

Just then King came in for a landing.

“Oh no...I know what those looks’re already plotting some covert maneuvers!” He said.

Trent blushed. Juni’s response was a little different.

“Don’t you worry yourself about that, you’ll have enough to worry about soon enough.” Juni said with a smile. “For my first official act as Captain will be to promote you to take over my old billet. It’s about time you took on some more responsibility around here.” She fired back.

Whether it was wisdom, or strong drink, King knew there would be no arguing the point.

“I surrender!” He said.

King had been dreading the day when he would finally get promoted. He had successfully avoided it for years, but this day, his “luck” ran out. A throng of LSF pilots

Post Thu May 06, 2004 10:10 am

Continued from Previous

soon surrounded the newlyweds and King, and much back slapping, hand shaking, and jaw flapping proceeded.

Orillion finally spoke up.

“I don’t want to spoil the happiness of this occasion, but I would like to propose a toast to all of the people who can’t be with us tonight.” He said.

“To fallen comrades!” He raised his glass. Everyone in the room followed suit, it was obvious that each of them had more than a few people to drink for.

Not for the first or last time, Juni thought about Ozu and Walker. Their absence at this celebration was more painful than she cared to admit. She took a long drink from her glass, as she saw Trent do the same. He then looked at her with an adoration that made up for a great many things.

Trent was not someone who made speeches very often, but when he did, people tended to listen. He stood up raised his hand. The crowd quickly hushed.

“A lot of you know something of my past. When Juni and I met, I was just another freelancer looking for a job.” He said. “It took all the experiences we had together to teach me that none of us can truly make it alone. We all need others to help us learn and grow, and become better than we ever thought we could be.” He paused, looking deeply into Juni’s eyes. “You have taught me that life is precious, and a person should celebrate every single day as if it were their last, because there are no guarantees. I know that whatever happens from this day forward, I will gladly share whatever comes with you.” As Trent paused, a collective “awwww” was heard through the crowd. Trent continued.

“There are some days when I look back at what we went through and wonder how it was we managed to survive at all. Our lives have been full already, and yet, I have a feeling the adventure is just beginning. I’m glad all of you were here tonight to share in our happiness. Each of you has made a difference in our lives, and I think it’s safe to say that without every one of you, we wouldn’t be here tonight. Thank you.” Trent raised his glass, an exceptional Sidewinder Fang, and drank a healthy amount before sitting back down to a roar of applause.

Tobias’s booming voice commanded the attention of the room next.

“Since we’re all in a mood to give speeches, I think it appropriate to make a few remarks at this time. Tobias said. “Trent was very young when he first came to live with me. He began. “His parents, John and Sarah, had been the unfortunate victims of pirates. They managed to put young Trent into an escape pod only minutes before their ship was destroyed.”

Post Thu May 06, 2004 10:11 am

Continued from previous posting

“John Trent and I had been associates for many years, and Sarah was born right here in Manhattan. They made me the boy’s godfather, so naturally, when he was orphaned, I took him in and apprenticed him.”

“I never told him why his name was “Edison.” One of John’s favorite historical figures was an inventor from Old Earth named Thomas Edison. This was a man who seemed to have the magical ability to create something out of nothing. He invented thousands of items over the course of his lifetime, inventions we would never think of doing without, even today. I remember what John told me soon after Trent was born: “I took one look at that beautiful baby boy and knew he was going to be my greatest invention.” Tobias grinned.

“And that my good chaps is how Edison Trent got his name, and if you don’t mind me saying, I think John was right. Just look how well he turned out! I was worried for a few years there, but it’s downright amazing what the right woman can do for a man.”

With that, Winston Richard Tobias, Esquire, gave a polite bow to the bride and groom, raised his glass high in the air, and concluded: “To the bride and groom. May they be...happy and inventive.” Many glasses were raised and their contents drained. Several shouts of: “here-here!” rung out amongst the crowd.

Juni felt tears well up in her eyes. Never in a thousand years would she have thought she would be somebody’s wife, yet Trent felt so right. It was as if fate had pushed them together and forged an unbreakable bond between them. There was nothing more she needed to do or say. She basked in the warmth of friends, family, and her new husband. This man, who had started as just another freelancer, who had become as determined and committed as she was. Together, along with countless others, they had challenged the entire galaxy, and managed to tip the scales of fate in their favor. Their marriage may have begun this day, but their partnership had started long before this day. It seemed that between the two of them, anything was possible, no odds were insurmountable, and no challenge too great. Whatever came their way, she knew they would face it together.

And so the adventure continues...

Post Thu May 06, 2004 12:59 pm

Actually, Trent's parents were killed in a mining accidents in Leeds. Just saying.

Owner, CEO, CFO, President, and Manager of McCardy's. McCardy's:So much Cardamine, you'll wish you had more!
Come visit our new Buffalo Base Location:
Take a ship to Buffalo and, uh, go inside McCardy's.

Post Thu May 06, 2004 1:26 pm

Maybe that's what they had everybody believe, but they were really killed by pirates on some secret mission for the government?

Trent: It's not the time, it's the sides that keep changing.

Post Thu May 06, 2004 3:23 pm

um, i don't really like love stories, so if you continue, please put some action into this.

You know what?
You guys should populate
Yukanojo's Server.
I love it. Start out completely neutral and 5k credits. Also, you can e-mail me and ask to join my clan if you want. I have 2 members already. If I agree with you joining, meet me at manhatten and i will give you 100k credits. So, pay a visit to Yukanojo's server. Also, during the next week(10th to 16th), I will be donating my 7-8mil credits, and equipment to someone on the
[5thW FL::
server to some lucky player hanging out manahtten. I wil be around manhatten and only for 5 mins. I have kusari rare guns all the way to nomad guns and level 10 fighter shield. Don't miss out.

Post Thu May 06, 2004 7:27 pm

I just came up with this last night. I must have missed the part about Trent's parents dying in a mining accident. When does the game say that?

As for love stories, there is undeniable chemistry between Trent and Juni from the first time she looks at him. Lots of great stories dangle the "love interest" between two of the principle characters.

I personally think it would be a travesty if Trent and Juni didn't end up together. They make an unstoppable team in the game, they get caught up in something much greater than themselves, but they always seem to figure out a way to get the job done (albeit with a lot of help from an amazing supporting cast).

My idea is that Trent starts out as a young, freelance mercenary and through his interactions with Juni and the whole affair of the artifact, he becomes something better. Juni brings out the best in Trent, and Trent brings out the best in Juni: A good symbiotic relationship.

I figure Trent spends a year or so wandering the various systems of Sirius and then realizes where he wants to be. So he comes back to Manhattan and finds Juni, who has been waiting for him to return. She knew it before he did; but she also knew that he had to figure it out for himself. Having been married now for nearly 5 years, I have learned that us guys can be really thick about some things (I suppose we both "knew" at the same time, I just wasn't sure I was ready to "settle down" yet).

Post Fri May 07, 2004 9:58 am

Maybe Trent got Juni pregnant, who knows ?
Then again, if Trent was born in Leeds, he's probably sterile.

Post Sat May 08, 2004 6:38 am

i say that...well...Trent''s parents we're part of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Tobias, who are of Trent's parent had to go fight Corsairs in Omicron gamma. but they were destroyed bu corsair. when Tobias heard the news. sorta "adopted"

People are changed by their worlds Trent, rarely vice versa.
-Jun'ko Zane

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