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Pilot 2

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:07 pm

Pilot 2

i made the first pilot miniseries so i thought just ofr kicks i make a second

is four months after the huge outbreak beetween the corsairs and Rhienland

due to the fact that liberty failed to help rhienland when rhienland asked ofr thier help poitical Sitaions have gotten out if hand

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:58 pm

Chapter one

Lixin Watts a Rhienland Lt. who piloted a Banshee fighter. Due to the escalating politcal Rivalries beetween Rhienland and Liberty Stations have Been founded in empty space called Deepspace. so Lixin was stationed on Deepspace 14 and his partol bordered the texas system.

Lixin was repairing his ship after heavy combat with liberty terrorists. there were rumors that liberty was giving the money so that Rhienalnd would be weakened with out them ahving to start a war. also there were rumors of rhienland doing the same thing.

"all personal of the 44 patrol group be ready to launch in fifteen minutes" the anouncer said
"hey Lixin ready to shoot some rouges and outcasts?" Said Mark Taylor Lixins best friend
"lets hope its just rouges and outcasts" Lixin replied

Lixin got in is ship and fired up the engine. after entering the codes to exit DS14 (Deepspace14) he flew out and entered formation with the others.

The patrol was all in open space not asteriods nor nebula's just pure space.

"hold on" Lixin said "i am picking up contacts. well look here liberty defenders one wing of them. looks like we got the drop on them requesting to engage."
"Negative Lt.Watts" flight leader Earl burtan said "not yet at least i need to hail them first"
"aw theres going to be combat either way" Mark said "let just engage"
"no" Earl said "libery ships this partol 44 from DS14 you are in restricted space alter course at one or we will open fire"
"there no response" Lixin said "liberty ships this is patrol 44 from DS14 your are in Rhienland teritory alter course at once"

"this is patrol 67" coming from the liberty ships "this is freespace you do not have a legit position to order us to alter course"
"no but i have legit positsion to kill you" Lixin repilied
"Lt.Watts!" Yelled Earl "liberty ships this IS Rhienland space"
"we also have legit position to kill you all escorts engage" relpied the liberty ships

"**** i told you so'" called Lixin
"Enagage" yelled Earl

Lixin powered up his weapons while doging constant fire. he rose up over the liberty ships, did a barrel roleto avoid fire then pointed the nose of his ship downwards and did a tight corkskrew and fired. he hit the wing of a liberty defneder knocking of a justice mkIII gun. the wing cuaght fire and the ship turned at Lixins ship (The Highlander) and fired three shor bursts before his weapon systems burnt out. Lixin managed to avoid the first two volleys but the third hit the underbelly of his ship. shoken but alive Lixin finished of the fleeing liberty defender.

"thats the last of them" mark said " Magor Burton is everyone acounted for"
"i am supossed to say that" replied Earl
"you never let me have any fun" mark said
"lets go guys" Lixin said

A little while latter everyone was back at DS14. Earl, Lixin and Mark (the lead officers for patrol 44) were seated at the bar talking

"what i dont get is why liberty would attack us" Earl said "they know that we have repaired our navy"
"becuase liberty has depleted its resources and is now like what Rhienland was before DS1-8 were founded to fuel our great land" mark replied
"i heard from other patrols that liberty has been doing what it did to us to them"

"attetion everyone" the anouncer said "its offical were at war with Liberty"

end chapter one
Hope you enjoy

Edited by - DSQrn on 9/1/2004 6:59:44 PM

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:21 pm

Chapter 2 pilot 2

Lixin Dropped his drink. War? How, why, he had a family a brohher a mother a father he was engaged too. and now every day going out into dark empty space fighting. risking his life but the lixin was gone and Lt.Watts took over.

"Well those damn bastards should of kept out of Rhienland Deepspace." Lixin said
"Geez thats a little harsh i hate them as much as you do but war...." Mark replied "I mean it seems like war has been going on forever"
"well gentlemen we have a war to fight" Anounced Earl who then strutted out the door

Mark and Lixin looked at each other. once they arrived in the hangar the head Mechanic Lizo came up to them.

"well boys both your birds are ready to shred some liberty ass"
"Good you fixed out birds so now we have to fight" Mark said
"well, come along sidekick We have a war to fight" Lixin said in Earls voice

Lixin Climbed in his Banshee and exited the Station he entered formation with Earl. Mark came with the other pilots. And they flew off towards the border.

"man" mark said "first day of war and i got a bad feeling about today"
"chill this will be ablue milk run kid" Earl replied "now cut the chatter"

A wing of Liberty Defenders noticed them and flew in to engage. both wings charged at eachother and began firing. Lixin rolled and turned doging fire and then giving the trigger the gentle Squeeze of death. the remianing defenders began to flee.

"follow them" Earl ordered

Everyone brok off after the defenders but the laid a trap. several mines hit Rhienland ships killing the pilot. the remaining liberty ships turned around and engaged the patrol 44. a liberty missile hit Lixin and hit his cruise engines and caused him to go over the cruise saftey limits hurling him deep into liberty space......

End chapter 2

Edited by - DSQrn on 9/1/2004 9:07:47 PM

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:30 pm

Chapter 3

Lixin's head spun as he rose. he grabbed his arm, he felt blood. he mumbled something then thew up. he was hurt badly. he managed to crawl into the cargo hold and get the medical supplies and insert medical nanabots (man microscopic robots that enter a life froms system and fix damage. he checked the nav map to see were he was. he was stranded in the texas system out of the way of patrols, but his cruise was offline so he could run. even if it was online the computer said that becuase he went over the safty limits of cruise he enter a far off nebula and his cruise engines caused a space rift. it was possible that he was in the past.
He hit the engines and decieded to leave open space for a near by asteriod belt.
he looked at the computer scanners. three ships were coming at him. to his relief they were bounty hunters

"you okay rhienlander?" one of them said
" cruise is offline and im hurt" he replied
"im coming over to help you hold on"

The bounty hunters ship landed on top of his and his above hatch opened. a bounty hunter jumped down

"Elixon Marx, here come to help you and your ship" said the man
"marx can you put cruise on.." Lixin said
"sure, hold on a few tweaks and boom there we go" Elixon said with a smile
"thanks, bounty hunter" Lixen croaked
"look Rhienlander i cant heal you so i have given you surpluse medical supplies aplie them the wait till your okay to fly also left you some food' Elixon said as he climbed up the hatch

Lixin watched the bounty hunters fly away. he took a deep breath then pulled himself up and sat in his chair. he didn't know what to do. he wa trapped in th land of the enemy. he started flying when he saw a liberty patrol come right at him. they gave him no chance to surrender and fired several missiles dead at him. he pulled off and ducked behind a asteriod but the craft was still shooken. he knew that for this one he had to fight. he shot out from behind the asteriod and fired upon the ships. he got lucky and blew off a wing.
the damaged ship pulled off and left sight. then Lixin had a idea he flew towards the ship then docked on top of it and dropped a grenade down. after it exploded he climbed down with his pistol. and shot up the cockpit before he ralized that the pilot was dead. the ship was rocked and he saw the debris of his ship floating into space. he sat down and started piloting the liberty ship he rose and entered formantion with the other one he was behind the liberty pilots engines and he blasted away.

End chapter 3

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Chapter 4

Lixin managed to make into the heart of liberty space, planet Manhaten. he landed on the surface and walked into a bar. a LSF man stood up

"were at war with you pal and you walk into our bar lookin for a drink who do you think you are"

Lixin ignored the man a sat down on a stool

'Hey Rhiendlander" the man said "i am talking to you"

Lixen grabbed the man by the collar and threw him across the room

"if i see you agian i wil kill you" Lixen said as he walked out of the bar.
Lixen thought that becuase he was here he might as well try to find out what was going on. he walked by a goverent building and ducked near a window foolishly left open. two men were talking inside.

"sir due to our secret weapons program we have devolped a biogenic weapon that can be used as a laser we fire. it will conaminae the ship it will spread to the station and then after two days it will start to kill them slowly and painfully after a few battles all of rhienland will be destroyed we will offer to heal them if they surrender rhienland"
"goodjob soon they will loose the war" the other man said

Lixen gasped they were planing o destroy his homeland and even if he did warn the how would he stop them. then he had a idea. he entered a hand weapon shop and bought grenades and rifles. then he took a camera and started taking pictures of the building. he went inside and went on a tour taking more picture.
he started to make some explosives and he smiled and took a piece of paper and wrot a note.

End chapter 4

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:33 pm

Chapter five pilot two

Early in the morning Lixin crept over to the goverment building he had visited that day before. he used a laser cutter to destroy the alarm without setting it off. then he cut in the window and juped through. he ran to a computer terminal and after hours of hacking managed to get the files on the biogenic weapon then he left his note saying Rhienland had the biogenic weapon a will use it if they do.

feeling mighty proud Lixin walked to the luanch pads. the two me jumped out in frnt of him and started shooting. Lixin ducked behind corner and took his blaster and fired at them hiting one in the leg. the other threw a grenade behind the corner Lixin jan and juped to the ground as it went off.
then one of the men came and ran i fron of Lixin. Lixin fired at hit him dead in the head. then He ran and shout the wounded men. he ran to the ships and jumped behind a crate when he noticed several more men wiating for him at his ship. he went to another dock and got on a transport that left for the underground base at maine. he had to convince the pilot that he needed passage.
soon the transport was underway when it was rocked by fire. Defenders were attacking it. Lixin ran to the escape pods threw a pilot out and jumped in.
his escape pod hurled down on planet pittsburg near a minning sight. one man was about to take off in a rhino when Lixin pushed him aside and took the controls

"hey! what he hell! who are you?" the pilot yelled
"death" Lixin said as he shot the man

he took off in the rhino when a patrol stoped him

"liberty Citizen you are under arrest by Rhienland goverment." the patrol leader said
"Earl of all the chances in the galaxay. hows mark?"
"marks in sickbay... but Lixin i thought you were dead"
"nope besides i have the plans for a liberty biogenic weapon"
"good dock with the incoming battleship i'll meet you there."

Lixin ran over to Earl

"good to see you" he said
"same here Lixin" Earl Replied " you ready for the battle at manhatten?"
"like hell i am"

one Rhienland battleship and 67 Escort fighters apeared just outside the manhatten defenders range. the manhatten defenders had 2 cruisers and 43 fighters. a unfair battle or so th Rhienlanders thought
Linix Flew leading Squad 44 becuase Earl had been tranferred to lead squads 42-45. he flew by a liberty cruise firing torpedos so srong the cruisers hull buckled. then he flew high abov the battle and fired one shot on a few fighters. they broke off to chase him. he dipped in and out off the atmepshre. one chaser got to close and blew up the others had taken damage but were still intact. he pulled down so he gained speed going farther farther down . then just as the defenders were about to fire on him he cut his engine so they passed him. he fired on one killg the pilot instantly. the other broke off and entered the battle. Lixin flew back up to join the fray when he heard the remianing liberty cruiser order for prep for the biogentic weapon.the cruisers biogentic weapon was pointed at the Battleship. Lixin flew in launching torpedos at it but it was somehow shielded against all solid matter.
Lixin had a idea and he ejected a few scavagened parts of a ship then he ejcted a small glowing piece of equipment. he prayed as the cruiser fired but as the beam passed the debris elictricty started flying and a green field expanded 45 m then fwll in on itself. the biogenic weapon overloaded and exploded.

after the battle Earl met Lixin in the bar on the battlship.

"so how did you stop the biogenic weapon?" Earl asked
"well when i relazied that solid matter could not pass through the shield i had to dsirupt the beam so i egected a small device that made the beam think that was its targit it hit that device" Lixin replied
"why did the weapon explode though" Earl said
"well the device carried a eltircal discharge alnge the beam the returned to the device cuasing it to overload. very simple" Lixin replied

hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i engoyed writing it

end chapter five

Edited by - DSQrn on 9/2/2004 12:42:44 AM

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