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Freelancer :: The Apocalypse (Chapter 1 Posted: Mar.17.06)

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:35 pm

Freelancer :: The Apocalypse (Chapter 1 Posted: Mar.17.06)

A few notes on this story.

First, this is my first attempt at a full length story and the first time i actually posted anything like it outside of a RPG Forum.

Second, please if you have nothign nice to say take it elsewhere. However i don't mind constructive comments and such. Just play nice with them.

Third, yes i am aware there is spelling errors, but feel free to point them out if you must.
This is the Stories Prolog. Chapter one is in works, i know how it will play out i just have to put it into words that make sense.

This first entry of the story plays a little bit on STarlancer and how it ended. Despite how it reads it is a Freelancer Fan Fic, which will become evident in Chapter one.

EDITED, Wednesday March 15, 2006: Corrected spelling errors in topic title and prelude. Corrected some grammer issues, added credits, copyright, and a story title image.

AUTHOR: Roland Orr
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2006 Roland Orr, All Rights Reserved
Freelancer Copyright © 2003 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved

Credits and Special Thanks:

The Lancers Reactor – For Providing a Top notch gaming community and a place for all fans to post their works for the game Freelancer, Starlancer, and more. Visit TLR AT:


The room was dark, save one dim light on the far wall. It provided just the right amount of light. The room was empty save one man sitting in the center. Here he knelt, meditating, waiting; waiting for the day of his forgiveness.

He remembered, remembered why he was here, why he was being punished. It seemed like yesterday, the memory of it, the horror as he watched helplessly as his fathers people were destroyed in front of him. He had failed, and his failures lead to the destruction of the holy land, the birth place of humanity. He wept at the memory every time it came to him, billions of needless deaths. Deaths of those who had been birthed in the image of his father, those who were his brethren, he wept for them.

He remembered the day, Humanities darkest hour. That is when he was called, to save them, to free them once and for all from their hatred of each other, to free them from their mutual destruction and from the destruction of the evil that was to come, that did come. But by the time of his arrival nothing could be done. The wheel of time had already been spun in a direction he could not change. So he did what he was not to do, he chose. His choice saved some and damned the rest. This was his failure. For his failure his father banished him to solitude and meditation until his penance was complete, or until he was needed again.

Something was soon to happen. He could feel evil rising amongst man, growing stronger and stronger as the days past. His time was nearing. It was time for him to prepare, for mankind once again will breathe its darkest hour. This time, he will not fail.

"Father," he called out "Father forgive me for I have sinned"

'My Son, forgiveness has always been there for you. All you had to do was ask. Now rise my son, my chosen warrior, defender of humanity. Rise, and take your place by my side' a voice, a soothing calming voice said to him.

The light behind him began to glow brighter and brighter until it engulfed him. And he was finally at peace with his transgressions. As the light faded he saw standing before him, his brother and his father.

"Come forth my son." his father requested "Come forth and receive my blessing. For my children need you."

The man slowly walked towards his father taking in his greatness.

He stepped forth and knelt before his farther. "Rise My son, Rise Sovereign Lord of Humanity, The Holiest of all Paladins. Rise AL-MALIKU and accept thy gift to you" His father commanded waving his left hand towards a chamber behind him. With the wave if his hand the chamber opened. In this chamber resided the strongest of all metals, the most powerful of all swords, The Armor of GOD! When AL-MALIKU rose the armor started to shine brightly. The armor began to float towards him, AL-MALIKU extended his arms and the armor spun around him and began to attach itself to him. With an armored hand he reached out and grabbed the sword, raising it high into the air then slamming the blade deep into the ground upon which he stood. "Now go my son, Go and Defeat the evil, and defend your people with your righteous might and glory. May the holy Spirit guide and protect you on the difficult path that lies before you."

His brother stepped forward "My Brother, I bless thee and anoint thee High Guardian and Defender, holiest Paladin. May you go with the grace of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! May the Kingdom of Heaven be forever in your heart and soul, may it guide you in your difficult quest ahead." he said with the traditional cross motions. “Now go my brother and smite the evil ones will." he finished and stepped back. A bright beam of white light shot straight down at AL-MALIKU. Once the light dissipated, AL-MALIKU was gone.

Roland "Hobbes" Orr
Mod Dev Team: Monkey Universe

Edited by - Hobbes78 on 3/15/2006 6:14:12 PM

Edited by - Hobbes78 on 3/17/2006 10:28:17 PM

Edited by - Hobbes78 on 3/17/2006 10:28:44 PM

Post Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:28 pm

Chapter One
The Lord of Humanity Rises

Secret Order Base, Planet Toledo

Mathew Orillion sat at his desk reading reports of the day. While reading the reports he imagined his father sitting here doing the exact same thing. He wondered if his father read these same types of reports with as must lack of interest as he does now. There was nothing notable happening, not even the Nomads showed them selves lately. They have been strangely quiet. It bothered him, but only mildly, as the Nomads have been quiet for quite some time now.

He stood and paced impatiently. ‘there must be something in all this mess’ he thought as the ground under his feet shook for an instance. ‘What the hell’ Mathew said out loud and hit a comm. Button on his desk ‘Security, what the hell was that?’

“Unknown sir, but it is emanating from the temple sir, we have a security detail on route now sir.’ came a startled voice.

‘Good, I will meet them there’ Mathew replied.

By the time he arrived at the temple security was running a multitude of scans amongst the tremors that seemed to get worse as time passed. “Report …” Mathew blurted during a tremor.

“Still trying to locate the source sir, it seems to be everywhere but nowhere. “ One security man said in reply.

Mathew stopped just then and stared at the roof just above the cross that stood against the wall. A glow had appeared there, a glow that seemed almost religious. He stared intently at it, almost lost in it’s ever seeming glory. A giant beam of white/blue light shot down from the ceiling striking the ground furiously, shaking the building violently. So violently that it knocked the security officers off their feet.

As the light dissipated a figure could be seen, a man of huge stature was knelt before the cross that bared a man crucified upon it. A large sword could be seen erect above the man’s head that glowed a almost holy light. Even the mans armor glowed the same light.

The mysterious figure stood, he was a massive figure. Standing well over 9 feet tall and with a build to match. Mathew was awe struck and was not sure why. He could not take his eyes off of the figure, he was fixated.


Mathew was compelled to step forward and reply “I am Mathew Orillion, Son of Jasper Orillion. Leader of the Order, sworn defenders of Humanity.” Mathew declared “Stand Forth and Declare Yourself!” Mathew demanded.

“I am AL-MALIKU, Brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of GOD, Lord and Sovereign King Of Mankind!” AL-MALIKU Replied with a booming voice.

Mathew was struck with shock as the man claiming to be the Second son of God stepped forward. Mathew knelt before him “My Lord! Forgive me!” Mathew blurted.

“There is nothing to forgive my chosen warrior. You have done well in your duties and given much honor to your family. Rise Mathew Orillion, Rise and from this day forth be known as High Commander of his lord Gods Holy Defenders. Rise and from this day forth be known as Lord Mathew, Holy Paladin, Defender of humanity.” AL-MALIKU’s Voice boomed.

“I rise and accept my sovereign lord” Mathew replied standing with a new vigor “My Lord, what are your commands?” he asked.

“We must prepare My Commander, we must prepare for the evil that comes to destroy my people.” AL-MALIKU Replied.

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