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Aliens of our own

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:33 am

Aliens of our own

as some of you might know, i am writing books and papers and other mad ramblings so here is anothe piece of cheese for some one to nibble on

Aliens of our own.
By Gareth Todd Thompson
Copy right Gareth Todd Thompson 2004

It was a dream, a dream of humanity to some day to fly and dance with the stars. To explore to expand such were our dreams. But in the background always lurked people who did not wish for progress and expansion, those who lived in the past threatened those who lived in the present. But some people did not realize who others were, some people ho should never have been in charge were. And it will always be this way forever.
Space, space always captivated the hearts of many. Be they children or scientists, almost all would wonder at the marvels beyond our sky. Then as ages passed we could float then fly then launch up into the sky.

3100 C.E
Three places were humanity lived, four places were humanity stayed. But in the sky law often was ignored.
Three colonies were settled, Mars, and the moon all-hailing to Earth. Mars was a weapons and research center that on the outside was a respected scientific camp, but once you entered the inner workings you realized the horrors of humanity. The moon was a mining base, so that people could mine for a rich mineral found on the surface. The miners were lower class citizens and despised the government.

Rerik Mann lived on the bleak piece of rock people called the moon. An Empty and cold place were its only purpose was for tide and minerals. Everyday men would go down in tunnels to mine for a rich mineral that was used to make more advanced ships. It was a hard life mining and slaving all day to make things you could not use or value. The moon had no need for earth, they had built environment domes to harvest food and supplies.

“Rerik my friend” Mick said “mining duty today?”
“yeah the damn bastards need there ships to fly around and make more places to make more ships.” Rerik said
“I have a better idea!” Mick said
“oh? And what would that be, Mick?” Rerik said
“oh, just a little flying mission” Mick said
“did you?” Rerik asked
“Yes” Mick said “I did”

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:43 am

joining the defense force? You’ll get killed!” Rerik said
“yeah right!” Mick said “you want to spend your entire life mining? I don’t! now c’mon lets go fly around a bit, you be my co-pilot!”
“don’t know why I go along with you!” Rerik said

Rerik and Mick walked over to the landing pads. On the moon there was not much to see, rock and dust, men scrambling around with mining equipment. But sometimes through the smoke and glass you could see a few stars and a ship. Mick and Rerik came up to the pad, several ships were there, proud, big and strong. Mick walked up to one and got in, Rerik followed and sat next to him.

“Mick, can you even fly?” Rerik asked
“nope!” Mick said
“then why are we about to fly?” Rerik asked
“Lesson, stupid” Mick said “now enough with the whining and buckle up!’

Another ship came by them and towed them towards the exit ring.

“okay kids were now in space” The flight instructor said “I am going to teach you how to fly like a ace!”

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:54 am

A little feed back, You need to work on a little emotion feed back, not just a He said, She said.
Tony walked in to the room. "Hey, can you give me a hand here" Came Rick's voice from the work table.

Tony, grimised at seeing Rick here, turned slowly, hesitantly. He did not want to be here. "What do you want, Rick," Tony spoke, with disdane in his voice, "I got things to do".


It gives more to the lines spoken and sets a screen rather than just reading lines. Just a little feed back.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/19/2004 8:55:05 AM

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:24 am

yeah i am messing with ya know sometimes i just dont think bout it

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:25 am

make Tony speak with a lisp so he says "Wick" instead of "Rick"

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